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Analyst: North Korea executed, purged thousands a

탈퇴한 회원
조회수 1727

이름 : NKSC

2017-02-14 10:30:36  |  조회 1240

A defector in South Korea said several testimonies confirm hundreds were slaughtered.

By Elizabeth Shim Contact the Author   |  Feb. 10, 2017 at 9:57 AM


Kim Jong Un’s uncle-in-law Jang Song Thaek was accused of attempting to overthrow the state in 2013. A defector said Friday the case led to the deaths and purges of thousands of North Koreans. File Photo by KCNA

Feb. 10 (UPI) -- North Korea may have ordered a sweeping massacre of about 1,000 people after the execution of Jang Song Thaek, a defector activist in South Korea said Friday.

Kang Chol-hwan, president of the North Korea Strategy Center, said in addition to the mass slaughter a total of 20,000 people were purged under Kim Jong Un, South Korean newspaper Segye Ilbo reported.

The North Korea Strategy Center is a non-profit organization that seeks to aid defectors with development programs and international support networks."In connection to the case of Jang Song Thaek, 415 cadres in the Korean Workers' Party, more than 300 people in affiliated organizations, and 200 officers in the state security department were shot to death," Kang said.

There have been previous reports in South Korea media that Jang's death sentence in 2013 triggered the executions of other senior officials, including Ri Yong Ha, the first deputy leader of the Korean Workers' Party, and Jang Su Gil, the party's deputy leader.

But Kang's assertions on Friday mark the first time an analyst has said the state executed 1,000 people in the case of Jang, who was Kim's uncle-in-law.

Jang, who was vice chairman of North Korea's National Defense Commission, was charged with treason and plotting to overthrow the state.

According to Kang, among the people executed were family members of the partisans of North Korea founder Kim Il Sung.

Other relatives were purged or sent to prison camps because of Jang, the activist said.

Kang said his information was drawn from the testimonies of six North Koreans who recently escaped the country, including statements from former diplomat Thae Yong-ho.

The activist, who grew up in a North Korea prison camp and later wrote a memoir of his experiences, said separate testimonies confirm massacres were carried out under state supervision and that families were sent to camps.

NKSC is planning to bring the Jang Song Thaek case before the International Criminal Court in The Hague, South Korean news service Newsis reported.

UPI(United Press International)에서 2월 10일 금요일 보도된 기사입니다. 관련 한글 기사는 '탈북자 단체 "장성택 사건으로 1천명 처형, 고문, 추방"(종합)' 제목의 136번 글을 참조해주시기 바랍니다. 감사합니다.

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